Thursday, March 3, 2011

More on Language

YouTube clip courtesy of M. I start with M's clip because:

1) It's hilarious
2) I love that an American is sending me links to New Zealand television shows
3) She is my main point of reference for all things language (i.e. she blatantly lies to me about words and phrases then tries to get me to repeat them in public. For example "Desk phone? Everyone in New York says Table Phone")

While I'm writting lists I should say that there are four things about the American language (or English language as its referred to here) that I am struggling with

1. Spelling (Optimise not optimize!!)
2. Data should be pronounced darrrr-tarrrr not day-ta
3. I can't say elevator rather than lift. And I really do try very hard! I can say soda (instead of soft drink), I've replaced lollies with candy and I even say cellphone sometimes. Its just that elevator is too hard!

I should add here that it is a misconception that American's cannot laugh at themselves. Most people I've met have had a sense of humour. Today I tried to defend US spelling and was shot down - "No, we're slaughtering the English language - Did you know friend is now a verb!?"

Some other funny phrases I've learn this week include - you tie your shoes not your laces! And its aloooominam foil not aluminium.

Also when you are trying to get somebody to understand the word S'more* pronounced in an Australian accent, don't indicate graham cracker by holding your index finger and thumb an inch apart... people end up thinking you are trying to say Small. 

*A S'more is melted chocolate & toasted marshmellow inbetween two graham crackers.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! elevator is just such a long word to use! can you imagine actually "tying" your "shoes"? LOL
