Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Living on Wall Street can mean a battle getting to work. Every morning I find myself dodging protestors and police alike. The NYPD have blocked a number of streets. It was frustrating at first, but I am getting used to their presence. It's actually kind of nice. After my mum visited New York she commented that "The police are so happy to give directions. They are like the 'official helpers to the tourists.'" After my experiences on Wall Street I would amend this statement to:

NYPD - Official tourist helpers and straighteners of the street blocky thingys

I learnt today that the protesters and police are not the obstacles to my commute. This evening I was outside my apartment with Noodles when she noticed that the street was lined with giant trailers. She pointed to one outside my building and said "That's not a police truck, it's a make-up and costume trailer!" No way, it couldn't be! This is Wall Street - not Hollywood. We peered in and saw it filled with costumes. Noodles swore that it was from Batman.

"They are literally filming 'Dark Knight Rises' outside your building!"

I didn't believe her, but she stood her ground and did some research. Sure enough they are filming Batman outside my front door. All of a sudden some of the signs I have been seeing around started making sense. 

No wonder the police didn't let me get to my Subway station last weekend...

That looks a riot: Matthew Modine drew his pistol and led the charge against Bane and his motley crew

I would like to apologize to any protesters I have whinged about over the past two weeks. It appears you are not the cause of all of my problems.

In the name of a good picture I would put my camera in my purse and go celebrity scouting... but lets face it, I barely recognize myself in the mirror let alone Christian Bale*.
*I had to Google "Who is the star of dark knight rises"

To be honest, I am also a little too lazy to get dressed and go outside. I did stick my head out and take a picture of one of the movie trailers....

So if I am not a photographer then I guess I will have to pin my hopes on gaining a role as a movie extra. Welcome to show business, baby!**

**Don't worry Mum I won't quit my day job

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