Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ANZAC Day...

There are ways of showing Australian Nationalism or having a taste of Australia in NYC... but to be frank, I've never really been too keen (other than in little ways like through language - for example using words like keen without irony.)

Why my lack of interest in all things Aussie - like eating at Australian restaurants... watching Celebrity Australia Rules Football... saying G'day to every second person that walks by? Answer: Nobody (cool) even does that stuff in Australia!

So when ANZAC day rolled around I wasn't jumping up and down to attend the Australian celebrations that were put on here. That's not to say I don't appreciate or respect the meaning of the day, only I don't see the need to celebrate it by "drinking cheap Aussie beer and Jacob's Creek"...

But surley there is a way to embrace Australia without having to be part of this nonsense? The answer came from an unexpected source. My token American, Noodles (who has taken to telling people she is Australian anyway, so power to her.)

Noodle's found out that Australian band An Horse was playing at the Knitting Factory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and easily convinced me to join her (Williamsburg on a weeknight? This is going to be fantastic.)

It was a long wait for the band... their set did not start until 10pm and we were feeling a bit like Cinderellas given it was a week night. The proceeding bands were average, but the very cool, very androgynous crowd kept us entertained.

It was worth the wait, An Horse was fantastic! I feel like I'm a better person for having seen the set. At the same time a worse person for not knowing of them before.

Absolutely loved it - you can easily see why Australian bands in general have a great reputation here. And I admit to a shiver of Australian pride when this banter occurred on stage:

Lead Singer: We are streaming live around the world
Drummer: Where are the cameras?
Lead singer:  Hidden, like on that show...where the cameras are hidden... whats it called???
Audience: Hidden Cameras!
Lead Singer: Sorry, I'm Australian, we only have four channels. There are more, but you have to pay. And who would pay for TV when we have the internet?

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