Saturday, February 18, 2012

Superbowl fever

Last year I came to New York just after the Superbowl was over and many people in Australia and the US commented on this - "Oh man, you missed the Superbowl!

Frankly speaking, I was not too bothered. I just never understood this American football nonsense. But this year New York was playing, so even I had to admit it was a big deal - the New York Giants took on Boston's Patriots. There was a lot of rivalry in the office and on the streets. One group of men marched up Wall Street singing "Patriots! Stop corporate greed! Go Patriots!"

Lizard and I stopped to watch them in disbelief and we both exploded with laughter when a Police Officer looked at the men then turned to us and said "Those morons!"

The ads are a pretty big deal and leading up to the game people are talking about how much they cost (millions per minute) and what they will be about... in fact, for many people, it seems the advertisements are a bigger deal than the actual game.

When the Giants won the city went crazy... I enjoyed it as at work there was some friendly (but merciless) teasing of our colleagues who studied in Boston.

On Tuesday there was a Parade down Broadway to celebrate. When I was walking to work the fans had already began to crowd around. They were cheering and euphoric. Some subway stations and roads were closed in the downtown areas, causing a hassle for commuters. I was lucky in that the Police were allowing commuters to travel west across Broadway at Wall Street - those of us crossing the road stood out as we were not decked out in the Giants blue. Some the fans pointed at us and shouted "Look! Patriots fans!"

I loved it! No... Not a Patriot fan - just a person with a job. Hilarious. This sure is a crazy city!

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