Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Little Bit of Crazy...

Today I had plans to go to the Met to see the Alexander McQueen exhibit, Savage Beauty (@Monica). However, the wait was an hour and a half, so I gave up, leaving it for another day. Instead, I thought I would enjoy the warm weather and take a stroll around the Upper East Side.

What an adventure! There was some interesting people about.

Firstly in the subway, one man begging got angry with another beggar who had stole his turf. That was probably fair though. I'm no begging expert (yet), but everyone knows you don't try to beg in a carriage that someone else is already begging in. That is just rude. Especially not when the guy already begging appears to be your twin, and has an identical limp.  

Another man got mad at a young lady, when she accidentally knocked him when crossing the street. He actually lost his temper and started shouted at her! "Don't you watch where you are going?! What's wrong with you!?"

There were the usual "Hey there Miss, how you doin'??" But... as E said, its almost concerning when you don't hear those.

Crazy of the Day award goes to a chase I saw on Fifth Ave...

It started with a young lady cycling down a crowded footpath. She was a nuisance! If riding on the footpath wasn't bad enough, she couldn't cycle properly. Because of the people she was forced to go slowly, but had no control. She kept swerving and knocking people down. When she almost struck an elderly woman, the old lady's husband lost it. What followed was a slow motion chase. The old man "ran" after the cycler, whilst shouting insults and curses in a thick New York accent. All the while shaking his fist in the air.

At first I was like "Get her!" (Mob mentality....tick!) Then I realised how ludicrous the situation was and laughed in spite of myself. No doubt there is a blog out there that reads identical to this, only it ends with "And then I saw some weird Australian laughing to herself in the middle of the path."

Actually, speaking of being a special Australian... the other morning at work I was trying to clock in, but being new (hello, five month mark) I was having some issues. A queue formed behind me (which is unheard of). It would have been extremely embarrassing if Noodles hadn't of been in the queue. She used the opportunity to heckle me: "Hurry up, stupid Australian! What's wrong with you... go back to Europe you Scottish freak!!" 

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