Monday, February 28, 2011

Strange things I say

I love to learn some of the strange things I say - once I learn the offending sentence its normally quite obvious why it got the reaction it did. Today were some of the best examples so far (I think people are feeling less sorry for me and more open to pointing out my specialness.)

Me: "I spent all morning in the queue for my social security number"
Innocent American: "The Q?"
Englishman: "She means line"

Inncocent American returns from meeting
Me: "How did you go?"
Innocent American (puzzled looked): "I walked?"


  1. Do they understand the word 'lollies'?

  2. I asked yesterday actually and nobody had heard the word before.

    Innocent American "So, is lollies all Candy?"
    Me "Except Chocolate"
    Innocent American "So what word do you use to cover all Candy"
    Me "We don't have a word"
    Innocent American "Wow."

    The American has a point...

    Two more slips of the tongue today:

    1) "Nice Cardigan!" ... "You mean sweater?"

    2) "Where did you get the crisps? I mean chips, I mean chips!!"
